Lanterns= Love

Last night we had a "magical" night with my ward. We watched Tangled and then we went to the park to go watch the full moon and light the floating lanterns. It was amazing to watch them fill up and let them fly (kinda scary the same time). What if we set a fire in the mountains? I would add this to my ideal date idea on the rooftop. It is really cool to watch them just fly away and disappear in the sky.

And to think all of this lantern fascination came from tangled. I know that this happened before Tangled, but I think it is much more popular now because of Disney. Here is one video that shows 11,000 lanterns floating. It looks amazing.

If that dosen't work, then just look it up youtube and there is hundreds of videos. I have a new item on my bucket list, travel to somewhere where they have a big floating lantern festival. I am going to do it and love it.


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