Being grateful for things you don't want.

I am thankful for doing dishes, because it means that I ate a meal and had a plate to eat the food on. 
I am thankful for heart break, because that means I have a heart. 
I am thankful for alarm clocks, because when I hear them in the morning that means I am alive. 
I am thankful for Mr. Collins, because that means that love exists for other people. 
I am thankful for sickness, because that means my body is fighting to be healthy. 
I am thankful for when my pants don't fit, because that means I am eating enough food and won't die of starvation. 
I am thankful for failure, because it gives me a opportunity for growth. 
I am thankful for homework, because it means I have the opportunity to get a education and learn in school. 
I am thankful for break ups, because that means I had love. 
I am thankful for torn clothes, because that means I had clothes on my back. 
I am thankful for things I don't want, so I can learn all the alternate blessings that come from them. 


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