I Won't Give Up

This is what I tell myself every morning when I think of my work and school responsibilities. I get tired of having the same schedule for as long as I have had. This summer I have had times to be social and have fun but I am still restrained by stats homework and research. I can't complain because I am not taking organic chemistry. I would have no social life If I was taking that class. But seriously, I NEED a break. I have been in school for too long and I will be go crazy If I go any longer. Good thing we only have finals left and then I am done until the end of August. And then one year until my undergrad and then grad school.

I love school and learning but where is my break?

I need one.



I will love you forever.

I just want to hike, eat, sleep, run, watch movies, get wet at the water park, leap in meadows, catch butterflies, go on slip and slides, got to concerts and dance this summer.

Make it happen blogger.


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