Bond Deep= Boat Trip

I just had my ward boating/camping trip.  It was so much fun! Let me just say that I love my ward. I have never been in such a friendly/social/caring/fun/welcoming/spirtual ward as this one. I first moved in January and everyone was so friendly towards me. They all welcomed me and I instantly made new friends. Over summer, people are more friendly and there are social activities happening all the time.

Recently, we just had our ward boating trip where I had a blast. I slept in a two person tent with my best friend. It was so cute and really hot because I was in a 0 degree sleeping bag. We watched Megamind on a inflatable flat screen on Thursday night. Friday, we swam, tubed, boated, ate tequila steak, made homemade ice cream and had our variety show. We ate ice cream out of these tin cans, where everyone shared their germs. Not only did we share our life experiences together, we shared each other's germs. I felt so sick after that night and so sore. I tried wakeboarding for the first time in my life. I got up but I didn't stay up. It was still a accomplishment because I was able to get up!

Saturday, we had only 1 boat and then later 2 boats. We waited for boats on the shore most of the day. But when we were waiting, let me tell you we were bonding. We sang Queen, Disney, ACDC and many other songs. We sang a lot this weekend. One of my favorite things we did was sing hymns in a truck late at night while looking at the stars. It was a spirtual experience that was just amazing. It is amazing that we can do things like that as a ward. Also, when we were waiting, I was able to get to know more people in the ward. I loved talking to new people and getting to know people I already know better.

I just love people. I love feeling sunkist even though I may be sunburn on my scalp which hurts when I shower. This was a perfect way to start my summer. I am done with classes until August (Fall). I now just work and am planning on just living my life right now. I just can't wait to get to know people in my ward better. I love it! Seriously, It is a great feeling. I just love how accepting everyone in my ward is. We don't have that many guys but we just love being together as a ward. So, this was my weekend. I bonded with my ward. I tried wakeboarding. I gained 5000 pounds. I am now sore and sunburnt. I just want to hug everyone in my ward and just want everyone in my ward to be happy. Best weekend ever!


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