A Little Taste of Therapy

I had the most interesting experience today. I usually don't get too emotionally involved while coding therapy sessions until today. Most of the times, I am somewhat distracted by something else. This wife intrigued me though. She was extremely emotional. She lost her trust completely because her spouse had a pornography addiction and lied about it for 18 years. Can you believe it 18 years? That is utterly crazy. Completely crazy. He had affairs on her and broke the covenants they made. I have never seen someone sob as much as she did. I have seen many crying girls but this scene was utterly heartbreaking. I didn't know how to react. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to tell her everything would be alright. I wanted to tell her that nothing was wrong with her, it was just that he used his agency differently than she did.

I left that therapy session so heartbroken for the client. I had never met her personally, but just her situation was so heartbreaking for me. I came home and had to get this stress from this therapy session away from me. I wanted to cry just because of what happened to her. I felt so weird because I had never met her, why did I have this crazy concern for her?

Then I started freaking out. I thought If I couldn't handle that situation, why was I choosing this occupation? You are handling everyone's problems and there is so much pressure. Then I started thinking that I was choosing the complete wrong path for my major and career. Why can't I choose a easier job with less pressure and problems? I had to run at this point because my brain was hurting from all my thinking at this point.

After my run, I talked to my mom and realized several things. Just because I had this moment, dosen't mean that I won't do well in the occupation. I feel like this experience shows that I really care about people and want the best for them. This is the occupation for me. I don't care If I need to find emotional outlets for stress and pressure. It will all be worth in the end. There will be hard days yet there will be rewarding days that make everything worth all the trouble. I just wanted to say that life will give us pressure and hard situations all the time. I shouldn't shy away something because it is hard or feels nearly impossible for me to accomplish. There is a way to accomplish my goal of becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist. It will happen. There is no question about it. I feel like this moment was great because it was reaffirmation of my future goals.

Sometimes, I doubt about my future goals. I have a lot of ambitious goals concerning my career and education. Today I had a taste of the reality of therapy. It contains a lot of adult themes, heartbreak and tough situations. Can I do it even with the opposition against me? Yes, watch me :)


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