A Moral Responsibility

"I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can."-George Bernard Shaw

Lately, I have been thinking about our moral responsibility as community members. Here is one situation that just shocked me today at the library. This girl looks distressed. It is finals week. She has a big project in her hands that she drops. I notice it and ask her how I can help her. She told me that I couldn't really help much because the portfolio requires a lot of organization that only she knew. Her final was due soon and she had to re-organize everything quickly. I didn't know what to do but give her some encouragement because only she knew the organization.

The sad part about this situation is the fact that nobody cared in the library. Seriously? Everyone was stuck on their computers, working on their individual projects or talking to their friends. It really frustrated me as I was walking home about how people can be self-centered that they ignore other's needs around them. Sometimes they are so concerned about their own needs, that they can't see beyond themselves.

I know that there is a time to be a little selfish. I totally understand this, but If we are taught to become like Christ. What would Christ do in the example above? I know one thing for certain: He wouldn't be stuck on his own problems or computer screen. I have much more room for improvement in this area. I don't want to sound preachy, but I just am amazed at the actions of people around me sometimes. I just find it interesting that people think they lack a moral responsibility to help others in their community. Most people are very aware of their neighbor, but there is a need to recognize our moral responsibility to look for others needs above our own.

The hard thing about sacrifice and service is getting out of your comfort zone of "me". I find it interesting that babies can be so selfless yet so selfish. They demand everything from their mother at early age: food, milk, toys and attention. We are taught to think of "me" a lot. We are taught that through American Ideals of the "American Dream" and american psychology concepts of self-identity and self-confidence. We are taught to be independent ( don't get me wrong, I love my independence) but sometimes we glory in our own pride, when we should be trying to recognize the help we have received from others.

My goal as a person is to reply more to my moral responsibility to think of other's needs above my own and serve more. I think it is possible through hard work and conscious effort. I think my "personal theory" changes through my life experiences like today. I don't want to be self-centered. I know that I can be a lot of times. I want to change it. I want to help others and make that a priority all the time. I want to serve and help others when It is inconvenient for me. You know those times that people need a friend but there is something holding you back so you don't help them. Even if I have a final exam, I can take 5 minutes out of my day to cheer someone's day up. I Even if I am late for work, I can stop and give someone a call to check up on how they are feeling. There are so many things I haven't been doing that I can do better on. This is my goal: to become better. I feel like this will be a lifelong goal to live a life full of service even when it is inconvenient.

So, purpose of this post. I believe we all have a moral responsibility to help others at all age groups. There is no exceptions. Everyone has and can create opportunities to serve. If there is a need, try your best to help make it filled. I have great hope that everyone has this capacity if they make the conscious effort. Let the service begin.


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