What is Beauty?

I have been thinking a lot about the word "beautiful". We all have our own definition which may or may not be correct. I don't know if we can have objective definition of beautiful because everyone's definition is so subjective. What do we find attractive? What is beautiful in the world? What makes a object or person beautiful?

I think there is beauty all over the world. There is beauty on earth. I love being outdoors because I see beauty all around me. I think that hiking and being outdoors has been great for me because It is a natural way to relieve my worries. I look at the world around me and think if God made these wonderful things for me to enjoy, he must love me. I am constantly amazed at the beauty in the earth and as well my friends and family.

I know this may sound strange. I know so many beautiful people. My definition of beautiful people has changed completely. I used to think beautiful people were tan, athletic, pretty eyes and toned muscles (yes, I am a girl!). I wanted to fit this impossible standard by looking like the girls in the media. This definition always made me depressed. I could never reach the impossible beauty standard. I was never truly satisfied with who I am because I was comparing myself to Carrie Underwood (seriously, she is gorgeous). I could never reach size 0. I could never have "the perfect body type". You would watch fashion shows and know that your body wasn't the same type as the models. I had this competition with myself to look like the models when I was younger. My body didn't want to look like those models because after my attempts to be healthy, it just didn't work. Now, I see people and beauty in a different way. I try to see people beyond these superficial characteristics. I try to see them beyond their physical looks. Because physical appearance dosen't really show much when it comes to the question of whether or not a person has worth. Worth dosen't come from being noticed from the opposite sex and looking like the models in the media. The world tries to tell girls this false statement. When in reality, worth comes from within and from knowing God. This definition of beauty and worth has changed my attitude towards what makes people beautiful.

A beautiful person loves everyone unconditionally. A beautiful person lives to make other's happy by giving their time and support. A beautiful person experiences joy when they are in hard times. A beautiful person is brave and is willing to do the right thing because it is right (even when it is unconvenient). A beautiful person may not be size 0, yet it is the inner beauty that counts.That is one important lesson I have learned throughout college. I have met many people who carry that inner beauty. They inspire me to become better and just work on becoming the best person possible.

So, thank you all you beautiful people that just make me want to become better. I don't know where I would be without all of you that just are beautiful inside and out. You remind me that there is more to life than the superficial characteristics that it seems like this world relies on. It is easy to assume that the superficial qualities are the most important when the statements are repeated over and over again. Yes, I am not following the world's beauty standards. I am following God's!


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