I Love Us

If you have ever seen 500 Days of Summer, you will recognize this card, but my friend said that last night when we were looking at pictures. I am so grateful that I stayed in Provo. Everytime I say this my mom is hurt, and I understand. I just love my friends in Provo. Every night we never know what we are going to do. We just end up being together (except Suzy is gone now). I just feel like we are like the Sisters of the Traveling Pants. We are different than each other, different plans for our future. Suzy is going on her mission to Brazil. Hanna will go back to Idaho for BYUI. Me and Carissa will stay here at BYU. I have never had this strong a friendship where we are literally are inseparable. It has been really fun because we just learn from each other and laugh while talking pictures of us touching each others butts. It is safe to say that we aren't afraid of touching each others butts and holding each other's hands. It is a best friend kind of thing, I guess.

I am just going to miss the four of us together. And I am going to miss Suzy like crazy. The first time I met her was winter semester when I didn't have many friends. She was just really funny and would make me laugh. I remember I thought she was super cuddly because she would always jump on me and cuddle with me. But none the less, I loved being her roommate. She was crazy and outgoing. She brought out that side of me, so I started making more friends and having fun in Provo. I will miss having her here in the Fall/Winter.

So, Brazil is going love Suzy Butler. She will do so well as a missionary and I will write to update her on everything. I might even write her about what to text guys in certain situations. I will have a late response but I gotta have input from one of my best friends!

So, I am just happy with my friends here. I love meeting new people here and getting to know people from my ward. Plus, we have our ward campout this weekend. We are going boating, having movie nights, a variety show, swimming ALL weekend. It will be a blast. I love my provo friends (and all of my other friends as well). I think staying in Provo for spring and summer was one of my best decisions in life. When else can I live up my life with my friends with all of the amazing and fun things we can do in Provo? Seriously, I love Provo. I love hiking. I love the music concerts. I love the food. I love BYU. I love the temperature. I just love life in Provo for the summer. It is like Rexburg with so many more things to do with more people and less stress because I won't be in school this summer session. So I will be working and then just loving the outdoor life in Provo. Seriously, there is a rope swing I want to go to. There are some good hikes in Spanish Fork. I want to life outdoors this summer. I want to wear my swimsuit as much as I can and just soak up the sun before the snow comes in the fall. Well, let the summer continue.

 Part of the "gang"
 Goodbye Suzy. We love you and will send you our creepy smiles :)
The goodbye party to Suzy! And of course Mark got his goodbye kiss on the cheek. We love Mark.


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