White Water Rafting

I went white water rafting in Vernal Utah over the last weekend. I have never been white water rafting so It was definitely something new! It was only class II and class III. If you don't know what class levels are, then I will try to explain quickly. Class level is the difficulty of the water that you are navigating. Class II means that you can just float down it. Class III requires some navigation and then I don't know the difference between class III and IV and V. But, It was a beautiful canyon where there were indian carvings in the rock. It was located in Dinosaur National Park. The park was really fun to travel in. There was this cabin of a women who had been divorced 5 times, so she lived alone farming the land around her. She lived there until her death in a small cabin with only carpet. But it was in a pretty area, so I wouldn't living where she lived (maybe not alone though). There were dinosaur fossils, which were fun to look at. I would probably recommend this park to families with little kids.

I recommend white water rafting to everyone in their lifetime (even if it is class II and III). It is fun to speed up in the rapids and get soaking wet. The tour guide we had was very informative on a variety of subjects. My favorite part of the adventure was the 360 view of the canyon when we were laying on our backs in the raft. It was such a cool view that you probably wouldn't get from looking at a picture. There are some things that you just need to do in life. Some of these include hiking a mountain or high peak. There is this sense of wonder that comes from looking from a high peak. I love going on these adventures because I learn about myself, my hobbies, about naure, and I love being outdoors.

So, if you are thinking about a fun thing to do this summer try white water rafting. Even renting kayaks and going down the canyon would be fun. It was a really pretty trip and It was only 9 miles. Anyone can do this trip. I think people get this notion that they can't do outdoor activities because of their personal fears or restrictions. I say no. You can do outdoor activities and start from the beginning. Being outdoors and having new adventures with new activities is worthwhile. Trust me, go find yourself outdoors in new settings. You will receive a new sense of confidence and joy while getting a nice tan and hopefully more fit!


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