I'm back in High School

Yes, you heard it! It was my on of my friend's 21st birthday. As a mormon, what do you do for a 21st birthday? You can drink legally. But drinking is against our standards. So, we get mocktails (non acoholic drinks). We do sprite shots and act like we are drunk. I am not going to post any pictures from that night because lets just say it is embarrasing. Extremely.

I can just say that I love this summer. My summer is full of fun times with friends, sunshine, water, swimming, crazy events (like post noting my friends car), and random spontaneous things. I love Spring and Summer in Provo just because of all the fun opportunities!

Yet, the same time I feel like I am back in High School. I think part of it is because I have less responsibility and I can enjoy my nights with friends. I feel carefree. I think that is what summer is all about carefree nights. Well, speaking of carefree, it is bedtime.


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