Adolescence and Twilight

I watched Eclipse with my roommate and Hanna last night. I love watching it with Hanna. We analyzed the movie, of course! Anyways, Here are my thoughts. In my science class, we talk about the influence of movies. It made me think about what is Twilight going to influence young teenage girls to believe? And if you like the movie, nothing is wrong with you. I will be harsh in my critique. It doesn't mean I don't like you just because you like the Twilight Series.

First, Lets Discuss Edward.
1.Edward is extremely controlling and manipulative. Who wants to be with someone who is manipulative? He doesn't trust Bella, Bella will make a decision, and he won't let her go through her own decision. Who would want to be with someone who made decisions for you? Maybe Bella doesn't make the best decisions. She will put herself in danger intentionally. I don't know why. But most people should be capable of making their own decisions. Most boyfriends should trust their girlfriends with their personal decisions. If boyfriends don't trust their girlfriend, it is not a secure attachment.

2. Edward is expressionless. He is boring. When they kiss, they look like they are in pain. He never smiles, except a couple times in the movie. There is always a problem. They are never happy. They are always miserable. When they are romantic, they look like they are statues.

Bella's Turn
1. She also shows no emotions, has no hobbies. She loves her mom, that is amazing. She is self-less. Those are great characteristics. Does she have a passion for life? She has a passion for vampires. Other than that, she has no talents, hobbies, what would it be like to hang out with her? Just hear her complain and talk about how "hot" Edward is.

2. She is so indecisive. She can't make decisions for her life. She loves Edward. She loves Jacob. She leads both of them on. They both get hurt. What are you thinking? Is it fun to play with boy's hearts? Well, maybe to some people. Is it right? NO!!! Make up your mind and stop complaining. It is not fair to go to kiss Jacob when you are engaged to Edward. When you are married, you don't call your best friend guy to keep you company. You are married to your husband. That is who is to keep you company.

Next: This movie will lead to false perceptions on Love.
What is Love? People want to know, it is hard to define. I can't think of one definition to sum it up, everyone has their opinion. All I know, is love is not what Edward and Bella have. Teenage girls will think that they want some creep always watching and stalking them. When a guy is watching you sleep every night and watches you through your window for protection, they know he is in love with you. What is wrong with that? Everything. Yes, he may care for her, but that it just purely creepy. People will think that love is needing someone because their love is "like a drug". Honey doll...that is not love. Yes you may need someone, but to be in love is a secure attachment. You can be a separate person but want to be with the other person because they make you happy. The other person should complete you, BUT you should be a individual person without the other person. I know this may sound unromantic. I am romantic. I just like to be my own person too. I won't give up everything to be with someone. I will change when I am dating someone, but not to a point where I lose all my values and everything I am to be with them. This is what Bella does. She changes everything about her life to be with Edward. She is not her own person. She depends on him for everything, every decision, every moment of her life she needs Edward with her. Can you be alone and be happy? Yes. I am not saying everyone should be single. Just being so clingy and emotionally dependent is not healthy. It is not true love. I believe young teenagers are going to gain a false perception of what to look for in the opposite sex, and a false perception of what exactly love is.

Another false perception is Jacob's idea of imprinting. There is no "one" out there for you. Two people can make it work if they have the same level of commitment. Some people connect better than some couples. That is true. But I don't like the saying "Is he the one for me"? I believe you can be happy more than just one person in life. You can love more than one person in a lifetime. It is possible. Just because one relationship doesn't work out, doesn't mean you can't love again. You can find someone else and be happy with them. There is a hope that there is a "one" there for everyone, and a disappointment when they don't find that "one" person.

Well, Enough slamming of Twilight. I do believe it is implanting false ideas of love and personalities. Just remember, I still love you if like twilight, I just don't love your ideas.


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