Growing Up

I always dreamed of being grown up. Now that I am growing up, I don't want to grow up. I long for the days of not having to be responsible. I long for the days of climbing trees and not having any things demanding my time. I am not Peter Pan, but I am just realizing that when I was little I didn't have to work, do homework, figure out the answers to all these hard questions. I like growing up on the other hand too. It feels good to be responsible sometimes. Just not during finals week. I just wish I could not be responsible, not care about getting a scholarship, and just play all weekend. I like being independent. I like being on my own. I like making my own decisions and being in charge of my future. It just scares me sometimes. I think I am normal. Most people I talk to my age feel the same way. It is hard because we are in this in between stage. We are not fully independent but we are not living at home and are somewhat independent. Nobody is telling us what to do. I choose what I do everyday. I don't ask for people's opinions of what to wear when I wake up, what to eat for lunch, what to do for friday night, when to study, who to date. I chose everything on my own. It is exciting! Yet sometimes, I wish I was climbing trees. Life was easier and simpler. But none the less, I need to be responsible now and not complain.


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