How do you see People?

I had this thought pop into my head. How do you see people? Do you see their imperfections, their weaknesses, strengths, potential? If we only saw people as their weakness, of course we won't like them. Then in return, they won't like us back. It is a no-brainer situation. The self fulfilling prophecy. We see them as a liar, they will act as a liar, and then our idea is confirmed that they are a liar. What if we see their strengths instead? We see them as a courageous and intelligent person, they will act that way, and then our idea is confirmed that they are a courageous and intelligent person. How does this idea relate to my original thought? If we see people's strengths and potentials, we can help them become better. We see them as potential to become amazing. We encourage them by treating them like they are amazing. They will most likely be amazing. It won't happen like this every time, there will always be exceptions. I was thinking about the people in my life and how I treat them. If I only recognized them by their weaknesses, we would go nowhere. Our relationships would go down the drain, and we wouldn't uplift each other. When I see my friends and their potential, there is a greater respect, and I can help them become better. They in turn see my in my potential, and I am more able to reach it. This is my thought for today, Try to see people in a different light. Who can they potentially become? They may be incredible people today, but there is always time for them to develop their talents, increase their strengths, and we can be the friend to help them.

Be the Friend who will reach for their hand and bring them up higher. Bring them up higher by seeing people in a different light. See them by their potential and strengths. Try to visualize them becoming better, and this will bring a deeper love, respect for your friendship.


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