Being Grateful for Little Things

I had a stressful time packing. I had to rush to finish my finals to pack to get to the shuttle. I went to my best friends wedding in Ogden Utah. I had a blast. Here are some pictures from the wedding :)

I caught the that means my wedding will be next. If next means in a couple of years, but Mary looked beautiful in her wedding dress, and she looked very happy. It was exciting to see one of my best friends on one of her happiest days of her life.

This is when Mary was leaving the reception, all the girls took one last picture! Don't we all look cute?

Anyways, I left finals early to go to the wedding, and surprised Mary. Her reaction was the best, "Wait, what are you doing here, you're not supposed to be here!" haha. She hugged me and then wouldn't let go! It was worth it to surprise Mary. I couldn't miss her wedding for the world. I remember planning our weddings when we were 12 year old. I think we are growing up at the this point! haha. I just love all my California friends who moved to Utah. I love visiting them, we always have a blast together.

But my story about packing...I had to pack for Orlando while packing and clearing out my apartment. I had to choose what I was going to leave in Rexburg and bring home with me to Orlando. I finished packing, and had the front room of he apartment full of my stuff. My grandpa is so sweet and would drive back and forth from his house to my apartment to pick up my piles of stuff. I am so grateful for my grandpa, I don't have to worry about storage. And his house is always a refuge. I can talk to him about anything, and he always gives the best hugs and advice. While I was putting my stuff away in my grandpa's house, I lost my phone. It was stressful, I searched everywhere in the house, and then I called my mom. She called my phone so I could hear it. I found it and made it successfully in time for my shuttle. I am so grateful that my traveling was safe. All my flights and the shuttle arrived on time and safely. Everything worked out as planned.

Also, on the plane I made new friends. I bought a magazine on "the brain" because I wanted something educational to read. I usually will read People or Seventeen magazine. While on the plane, someone saw my magazine on "The Brain". I talked to this other student from University of Nebraska about music, our majors, traveling, and just any topic you can think of. We had a very intelligent conversation about our favorite musicians, what we have learned from our majors, and just about everything. I made a new friend. I probably will never see him again, but I enjoyed our conversation on that plane. It was uplifting and helped me see from a different perspective. Anyways, I am so grateful for these little moments in the past week of my life!


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