Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

I know I post these videos up a lot. My reason, they inspire me. I love watching them, and I remember crying in this one. So Watch it, trust me you will like it.

Anyways, I have been thinking about forgiveness today. As human beings we can hold grudges. It is easy to hold a grudge when someone has hurt us. But, we shouldn't. Although we may think holding a grudge doesn't affect us, it will only create more anger inside us. The anger inside will grow until we feel like we are dark inside. To move one completely from being hurt, rejected,offended, we must forgive the offender.

And p.s. Here is a amazing thought. We can only control our own thoughts. We can't control how other people are going to treat us. We can't control our brother to do something for us. He will do something for us if he wants to do it. We can influence, but ultimately people have their agency and will make their own decisions. So we choose to be offended or be hurt. We can choose to be offended when one of our close friends hurts us. It bothers me when I hear people say "My roommate offended me last night". I want to tell them, "are you meaning that you roommate did something, and you chose to be offended?". It can be easy to choose to be offended. Don't get my wrong, people can do some cruel things. Like I have said nobody is perfect. Nobody is going to be perfectly kind all the time. Nobody is perfectly honest all the time. But that is why we have to be forgiving. We know that everybody is human, makes mistakes, and isn't perfect.

And with the holiday season, it is all about love and giving. Wouldn't you agree with me saying part of that is showing love by showing forgiveness to someone who has hurt you?

So here is my challenge; it is your choice to accept! If someone has hurt you recently, and you are holding a grudge. Let it go. Forgive them. You will have more peace in your life. You won't have this bitterness that you are constantly holding on to. You will feel like you have more freedom. Trust me!


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