Being an Active Learner

In my child development class, I received a big compliment in the last class period. I have never been thanked for being in the class. I am not bragging in this blog, I am purely just saying my thoughts. If It sounds like I am bragging, it is not my intention I gained new perspectives on modern issues dealing with child development. I commented a lot in that class, I thought I commented too much. Sometimes I would think I have a interesting thought, but think I would I say too much. I ended up saying sharing my thought with the class. During the final, the teacher stood up and thanked a few students. I was one of them! I felt honored. She said I had consistent comments that added to the learning in the classroom. I hugged my teacher after words and said "Thank you for teaching, I enjoyed the course". She said, "Thank you for being in the class, I enjoyed having you in the classroom". It just felt good to have a teacher thank me for my participation, to be noticed. I swear I am not a teacher's pet, maybe I can be sometimes. When it is a subject I like to learn about, then I will be actively learning. I will ask questions, comment on what i have learned while during the reading assignment, and share a personal experience that connects with the content. It helps me learn. I value the information more, and I remember it longer. Find your passion, find what you like to learn about. Be active in the learning process. Ask questions. Be curious. Don't just accept to "be average". Give it your all. Be exceptional in what you love. Leave a mark saying that you did your best, and you enjoyed whatever you were doing. This is what makes a good student compared to a average student. I find I am a more active learner in subjects I love. I loved my courses this semester, I showed much more interest in what I was learning about. I worked harder to understand the content instead of just getting a "A". Yes, I would slack off sometimes, when I was tired or distracted. But in general, I felt I worked much harder than I usual do this semester, I grew the most. I was a active learner, applied myself to the concepts I was learning about. It was a good semester. Hopefully my grades show it too! Well, this is my evaluation of my semester. I just am learning to learn to love. I never want to stop learning. Even after my undergraduate studies, after my masters program, maybe a Phd. There is so much to learn, I want to soak it up. I may be a nerd. I am okay with that. Give me a book on a subject I love, and I will immerse myself in it. Knowledge is power. That is my final conclusion.


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