To be Vulnerable or Not to be Vulnerable...That is the Question?

I was writing my paper on people who are genetically vulnerable for a disease or addiction. It made me think of how interesting it is for some people to start a addiction after trying one cigarette, and some people can smoke several times without a addiction. We can't control our genetic vulnerability. We can control one type of vulnerability.  Our emotions.

We can control if we let someone in our heart or if we keep a guard up. Which one is better? This is what I have been thinking about lately. I was talking to a friend and they told me that to be careful and to not be vulnerable is the best thing. I agree somewhat with the statement. If we were never vulnerable, never let anyone in, never loved, never took any chances, we would never grow. I am saying you should go tell everyone your deepest and darkest secrets. But is it worth it to get your heart broken in a situation when you were vulnerable to get hurt? That is what you are doing when you open up to someone. You are accepting the chance to either be happy or end up hurt and heart broken.

 I think there is beauty in the breakdown. When we are hurt, it is a learning and growing experience. We doubt ourselves, we doubt our feelings, we seem to doubt everything. But that doubting starts a self discovery, we gain strength, we form a stronger self. It will bring a different person for the better. I think it is better to love and be hurt, than never love. Once you have been hurt, I think you should be more careful to not put yourself in situations where you now can be hurt again. It is okay to protect your heart. Time is essential for healing. Once time has healed you completely, then we can open up to another person. We start the process again. It takes longer for us to trust after we have felt rejection, hurt, and heartbreak. They teach us how to love again. We give them the opportunity to make us happy or bring us down. We keep this process until we find someone who will never hurt us.

What is my purpose in this blog? Everyone will have their own opinion. Your opinion will be based on where you are in life. My purpose is to express my feelings, maybe cause a thought provoking experience.

To add to this thought; I realized what is beautiful about a breakdown. The honesty and acceptance. Many times we can be in denial about our feelings. When we are in the breakdown, we are identifying the true cause of our pain, we grow to accept it, and then it will lead to the healing process. To be brutally honest with yourself and others is extremely hard, but once we are able to do that, we gain a better understanding of what it means to be human and "feel". And when we are honest with our pain, when we have joy again it will be that much better. My parents always told me that to be human meant to cry, feel things, and to experience both pain and joy. I am realizing the importance to accept all emotions and to be grateful for all moments. For each moment is truly a learning experience. I have learned a lot from the moments where I felt the most down, and I doubted myself. Those moments I am extremely grateful because I learned to love myself and accept myself.


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