Being Alone in Silence

This morning, I woke up to music everywhere. I heard Handel's Messiah, efy music, and some other type of music. It was great. I love waking up to uplifting sounds that will make me smile. Then I was uploading and editing some stuff on my blog, and I turned off my music. It was silent, and I was alone in my room. It was so nice. I don't know how to describe it. Do we have take time to slow down, turn music off, and just ponder and reflect? It reminds me of so many of the last couple general conference talks where they talk about slowing down and reflecting on what matter most.

We have constant noise around us, we have constant movement, we have constant distractions that we face daily. When do we ever just stop? It is okay to be busy, it is okay to be active, but it isn't okay when it takes over things that matter the most. When doing extra activities take over time spent with the family, and time to reflect and ponder.

Maybe this post is because I am somewhat of a introvert. I think by myself a lot, when things become too overwhelming that is when I seek for outside forces. I need my alone time for me just to reflect, reorganize my thoughts, and fill my life with peace. Even extroverts can use alone time to ponder, everyone needs individual time in silence to re-evaluate.


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