Thank You

Those simple words can make my day. A couple of days I was doing Dining Room Busser, sweeping and cleaning tables. I feel like Cinderella or a slave. I was not very happy just routinely cleaning. Then I heard someone say "Thank you". I didn't know they were talking to me. But they started talking to me, and thanked me for cleaning because I was doing a good job. It made my job a little more enjoyable when I knew someone appreciated my work. Working has helped me learn something about myself. I need to feel valued and appreciated in the workplace. That is very important to me, otherwise I don't enjoy my work. I don't need a "thank you" with expensive gifts and free food. Just quick words that show that my managers appreciate my hard work. Is that too hard to ask for? But grattitude is important. Don't ever forget that saying thank you can truly make someone's day.


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