Bad Habits

Everyone has them. You can't hide them in your closet and pretend they don't exist like that one article of clothing you can't let go even though it is decades old. I am starting to develop my bad habits. This is what I have  noticed from my own behavior.

- Bad habits are usually tendencies you will think will go away but you continue the action until it eventually becomes a habit. It will happen when you think you just doing something temporarily. I am only throwing my clothes on the floor and hanging them up on the dresser because I have worked 8 hours today. The next night there is another reason.

-Bad habits are something you don't want to address because you are afraid of developing it. I am afraid to address my late night snack eating habit because I am good at justifying it with saying I can't eat much at night because I am working. (mostly true). I could find ways to not eat late at night, but I also like to eat late at night. I am afraid of giving up something I love but at the same time accepting a bad habit.

-Bad habits are just bad in general. You know you shouldn't have them. You try to give yourself some room to mess up and not do everything right. Those little things that you allow will then become bad habits and then get worse overtime.

There is hope you can always change a bad habit! It may not be easy; it will take work. It will take conscious effort to decide and actually stick to the decision to change the bad habit. You will have to give 110% commitment and have high intrinsic motivation. I believe anyone can do it. Including me, which is why I wrote this specific blog. These are the bad habits I am trying to get ride of:

1. Go to Bed Earlier.
2. No Watching Hulu Soap Operas and Dumb Videos Until 1 in the Morning.
3. Do my dishes after I finish eating.
4. Reading my scriptures DAILY!
5. No late night snacking, and If I am something healthy. Not those delicious pizza rolls that my roomate got my eating...
6. On my days off actually do something fun and not sleep in all day.

I will make a deal with people who read my blog. I will work on mind bad habits, if you work on yours too! We will have a support group :)


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