First Impressions

I work with lots of different types of people. It is really fun yet it can be difficult. One thing I have learned is to never rely on the first impression. People are so different from what they are like when you first meet them. Sometimes they may be the same. I was talking to this one girl during my break and she didn't meet my expectations at all. I thought she would be very strange and avoiding her would be the best option. Well, I discovered that I was wrong. She ended up being very kind and I made a new friend. Random fact: I don't know who would appreciate this but I would. Pride and Prejudice was first named First Impressions. What if Elizabeth took out Mr. Darcy out of the picture and never gave him a chance? She would be missing out. No mansion with a pretty lake in front. Her life would of been so much different. You never know what you are missing by prejudging someone's character and deciding your behavior towards someone before you give them a chance. They could end up being your best friend. It is really easy to accept your first judgment of someone and assume they are like that all the time. Just think there are so many factors that influence someone to make a decision or behavior. Situational factors are sometimes stronger than someone's character. That is all. I hope I feel better tomorrow!


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