I am a lucky girl

Sometimes I complain about my life here as a Quick Service Food and Beverage Cast Member. I do the dirty work and feel like cheap labor. Yet I have to remind myself periodically that many people apply to work here and I was chosen. I am in a beautiful place. I wore my swimsuit half my day today in February. I don't even wear my swimsuit in California in February. I got sunburnt today while being on water rides in Typhoon Lagoon and laying out and falling asleep feeling the warmth of the sun on my white pancake back. Yes I do need to tan. Some guy called me out on it yesterday. Want to hear another "lucky girl" moment? I was in the Indiana Jones Stunt Show. How cool is that? I was in the background, but I did get a costume and I met Indiana Jones. I acted "scared", some woman accidently touched my butt when doing a scene. We both laughed about it in the end. I danced with a guy from Puerto Rico in the show. I talked to this handsome guy from England with a dreamy accent. I can't complain about my life. Yes, there are always moments when I am scrubbing the garbage can and I smell the remains of customer's sandwich. But I forget that those moments are less important to the days where I can watch the firework show "wishes" and see Tinker Bell fly down from Cinderella's Castle. I work next to Jack Sparrow, I hear pirates music during work. While others are worrying about exams, school, and everyday worries, I forget that I am in Happiest Place on the Earth. Overall, at the end of the day. I am lucky to be here. Somebody asked me if I was dating anyone today, my response was "no, but Mickey Mouse gave me a big hug and kiss yesterday".  Who else can say that?


  1. This is one of my favorite posts you have written. IT makes me homesick for my sweet girl who is now all grown up. Keep the kisses from Mickey Mouse coming! He's a real gentleman.


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