Being Human

I guess you can say I had a bad day. I haven't had a day where I just feel awful all day. It was nothing big. It was a combination of events that I couldn't control and emotions that overtook me. I tried to control my little breakdown during work; I guess we could say I tried. I hate people seeing me cry and just not in a good emotional state. I saw a trainer and I told her, "I am not normally like this". She understood that everyone has their bad days and I just needed time to calm down and I would be okay. I ended up being okay, I ended up not being happy though. It was just a bad day.

I learned a couple of lessons today. Most people are very kind and understand you. They try to make you feel better and don't judge you when you have your breakdown. There is still sympathy in the world. It is a good thing. Lets keep it that way. My co-workers saw me and tried to talk to me and offered me hugs, water, a conversation to brighten up my mood. I didn't know them that well, they just knew how it felt to have a bad day and wanted to help me out. It was very nice. Being human is feeling every emotion. Everyone feels sadness,  has negative thoughts, has days when they want to go hide in a hole and never come out. We experience these emotions for a reason. If we were cheery every day, then we wouldn't understand how good it feels to be happy. To smile because something is truly funny feels good. You value that simple happiness when we have a bad day and just want to hide in our bed all day. I have heard it said by mother to me that I am different because I feel every emotion. To feel is to have courage. To feel is to accept whatever may come and learn from it.

Even though I had a bad day, I learned a lot about myself and about emotions. I regained a faith that humans are understanding and truly care. They will offer a helping hand when they see someone in need. I thank all of you kind people who don't judge me when I have bad days. I truly appreciate your kindness in accepting me in who I am.


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