
I went shopping today with a friend in Hollywood Studios, and we stepped into this lovely store. There were cute bags, clothes, accessories, and everything you would want to buy. We identified the same necklace and bought the same one. I have never met anyone with the exact style as me, but today I did. I have finally identified my style. You think I would have learned and known that already. I like Vintage, timeless, feminine things. Anything pink, girly, old fashioned. I don't like anything too big, big bows, big ribbons. My recent love is lace. I love lace. Lace dresses are adorable. And my friend showed me this website, I would never buy anything on it because of the price. It can always give you ideas. Check it out!
It is a vintage/indie/retro style of clothing.

My favorite piece of accessory is my pearls from my grandma. I love them. I left them at home in California, but I would wear them when I wanted to look nice or on Sundays. I just love the look of lace and pearls with pink. Anyways, this is my style :)


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