Predictable Chick Flicks

I love them yet I always wonder why I am watching them after I have wasted 2 hours of my day. I just watched a "made for tv" movie with Hilary Duff called "Beauty and the Briefcase". The basic plot of the movie is really dumb. Guys are stupid, and Hillary Duff or Lane, has a perfect guy that she is waiting around for. Each guy dosen't fit the checklist, so she is always disappointed. She starts working in a buisness place with men wearing suits in order to find love. She falls in love with a boss who is opposite of everything she wanted. So basic theme: You find love in unexpected places when you aren't looking for it.

Now that you know the basic plot of the movie, you can hear the last line of the movie. "Lane, I can't feel my arm". You could predict everything in that movie, the acting was horrible. The last kissing scene was unrealistic. She runs in a important corporate meeting and tells the boss, Tom, that she is in love with him. They kiss, he picks her up, and everyone starts clapping. Yeah right. That doesn't happen in real life. I love how chick flicks make girls believe in this false reality that everything will be magical.. Really, does fireworks go off when you have your first kiss? Maybe emotional fireworks from excitement, or maybe if you have your first kiss on the fourth of July or on the Bachelor in the last episode in Las Vegas. Yes, I do watch the Bachelor now. I hate that show yet it is so addicting. I love how deep connections are made through making out. Who would think that actually having a conversation before you "fall in love" would be important? Although I am critical of predictable chick flicks and the bachelor, I do enjoy watching them. I guess you could call me a realistic hopeless romantic. I love watching things about love yet I love to critique them and try to make them as realistic as possible.


  1. Well yeah movies are not real life well except maybe for celebs *0-

    I actually liked the movie and there was some good funny scenes. I liked Hilary. Very likeable.
    But, did you think of the fake fiance drama'???

  2. She was very cute, but she acted dumb. She made fashion journalist look stupid. What fake fiance drama?


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