
Have you ever heard that laughter is the best medicine? I believe it can be. Recently I have been feeling sick and so I have just been wanting to lie down and watch crappy soap operas and mope around in my pajamas. That was my best solution. Well I did that for half the day yesterday and then ended up taking my dayquil and actually doing something with my day. It was a good day. I went to Walmart and Magic Kingdom to go shopping. Anyways, my point is that instead of deciding to mope around, I went and did something fun. I laughed at night and It just brightened my immune system. Who knows how that works? Laughter is good medicine for both physical and emotional sickness. It may not cure everything, but it definitely is part of the recipe for a healthy comeback. When we laugh I think there is a attitude change. We decide to look at our situation differently and then we can learn to stop the moping. I think that your attitude can either help you with overcoming sickness or worsen it. I have heard stories about people who had extreme health risks but believed  that they would be fine. Just because they had a optomistic attitude, it helped them overcome some of their trials with their health. It is amazing. But being optimistic and happy has physical benefits for your health!


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