10 years

It has been 10 years since I have known my friends I visited this weekend. That is a long time. We are not super close but we have always visited each other throughout the years and stayed close. They are the kind of friends where you can not talk to them for a long time and be together and then you just have a lot of fun. It is cool that as time passes, I know that they will always be my friends.

It started out with achievement days, mutual, parties, boys and making silly videos. Now we are all in different places. I am graduating college, Jessica is going on her mission and Mary has her adorable daughter. Even though we are are all in different places in life, we still sat on Mary's pull out bed until 2 in the morning talking. The conversations change from who are our crushes are to kids, missions, college, family and friends. Mary's husband hung out with us during the night, which I first thought would be weird. It wasn't weird though.

I am lucky to have such great friends in my life. The kind of friends that you can depend on when you are down, want to have a good time and want to share one of your new successes. The kind of friend who you can have fun even if you are only doing errands. I think the way to indicate if you are good friends is if you don't have t be spending money or doing anything exciting to have fun. You simply need each other to have fun.

And think about it, 10 years is a long time. That is nearly half of my life that I have been friends with them. We have had our times where we didn't love each other because of silly reasons, but for the most part we have been there for each other. Maybe not for the small things, but the big things.

To bring in the brain, I am grateful that we have the brain to help us remember. As I look back throughout the years to all the goofy things we did, I simply laugh. We had so much fun and we will have fun in the future. Memories are a splendid thing, as they can make you happy during your hard times. When I look back to when I was 12 and 13, I will always remember my times with Mary and Jessica.

In the next 10 years, I hope that we can still get together like we do. It will be exciting to where we end up in the next 10 years.


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