Anything Can Happen

So, I have learned this principle in my life that when you have faith, anything can happen. This is a song that I like because it represents the power that attitude has in your capabilities. I believe there are genetic boundaries, but faith makes the impossible possible. Faith makes the fearful into the confident an the weak into the strong. Faith can move mountains. Faith can calm the seas.

One of my new years resolutions was to strengthen my faith and reduce my fear. Now that I have decided to go on a mission, I have accomplished this goal. I am not 100% faithful all of the time. I have strengthened my testimony though that anything can happen through Christ. Living in a Christ centered life presents lots of opportunities. With my attitude switch, I have found more opportunities to serve, love, laugh and smile. There are so many wonderful things in the world. Are your eyes open to all the beautiful things in the world? Do you focus more on the fearful events in your future or focus on the opportunities that are yet to come your way?

Some say that faith is being niave. For example, a unemployed individual may have faith that they have a job. Instead of looking at their unemployment, they will focus on the opportunities to interview at several job locations and develop various skills. People may say that they are being blind to the fact that the unemployment rate is high and that they are naive. I don't think that faith is naive. Having faith is believing that everything will work out even when the future is uncertain. You can't see what is ahead of you but you are moving forward believing that things will work out. It is being optimistic when things look dark.

I think the most important lesson that I have learned is that faith is incredible. Like I have already said, it is a belief and action. When you apply faith in your life, miracles will happen. Things will work out. They may not work out like you want them to, but they will work out like they need to.

I just love the gospel  because my fear transforms into faith. As I look towards my future, it is no longer bleak. If I can change my attitude towards the future, then anything can happen. So, be happy because anything can happen.


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