How to say no to brownies

1. Just say yes
2. If you want to say no, don't go to social gatherings in Provo.
3. Don't buy brownie mix
4.  Condition yourself to associate brownies with death (death by chocolate....haha)
5. Look at the pinterest as your motivation to lose weight.
6. Create a sense of denial that brownies are good ("Oh yeah, I forgot that brownies are good").
7. Repress your good memories of brownies
8. Replace pleasing sensations of brownies with pleasing situations of carrots and doing yoga.
9. Cut one in half and then eat the other half because you gave in.
10. Say no to sugar for a year...impossible.
11. Just accept the fact that there will always be a relationship between you and brownies. It's inevitable.
12. Break up with brownies.

I mean...these are my only solutions to offer to you!


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