How to be a "senior"

The first step to becoming a senior is developing a attitude that you no longer care about school. I think this is the most important step to becoming a senior. If you are care about school, then you are not a senior.

The second step is to do the "required" things. Find out what is required in each class and do the minimum. Anything that exceeds the minimum is not appropriate.You should not be doing extra work or trying to get the A+++++. You only want to pass.

The third step is to have a desire to socialize rather than do homework. Any chance of hanging out with your friends or making new friends is a higher priority than studying.

The fourth step is to check the schedule of your class. If there is anything that is important to the exam or your grade, go to the class. If it isn't, then you can skip it. Only go to the classes if it is necessary.

The fifth step is to stay up late and facebook stalk. You can facebook stalk, play tetris, watch tv shows, write in your journal or simply talk to your friends. Just stay up late.

The sixth step is wake up late because you stayed up late. Wake up before class 10 minutes before the actual class.

The seventh step is go to class late  (if you actually go to class). Show up late consistently. Be known as the person who arrives to class late even if you live close to campus.

The eighth step is to procrasinate all your papers and studying. If  there is a exam, study the day before.

Once you have followed my 8 step process, you will officially become a senior. Once you have, congratulations! You have now entered the semester of college that you will probably you get the lowest gpa you have ever gotten in college. The good news is that you will have a  excellent semester full of fun memories.


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