Don't do drugs.

Seriously, don't do them. I am writing a research review paper about the effects of drugs on the brain. It is interesting and it makes sense why people become addicted. You want to know the secret of why people do drugs? It feels good. It releases dopamine. Dopamine is the feel good neurotransmitter that brings you pleasure. The more you do the drugs, the more dopamine is released.

The sad thing I have learned from my paper is that drugs will forever change your life. I don't like being dramatic. As a psychology major, we don't see things with certainty. It is most likely going to say, "It may be correlated with...., but more research needs to be done". You get the point? But the thing with drugs is that they will LITERALLY change your brain structure.

Our brain changes all the time. Everytime you learn something new, a new pathway is formed and your brain is changed. When you learned how to ride a bike, you changed your brain. Encoding a memory changes your brain. Changing your brain can be a good thing, except when its with drugs.

Drugs CHANGE your brain FOREVER. FOREVER. FOREVER. I can't help but repeat forever. Don't think that having drugs won't affect you. I remember the teenager philosophy of "I can do anything. There are no consequences for my behavior". Well, let me tell you honey, there are consequences. Lots of them. You are not excused from consequences. If you do drugs as a teenager, without a doubt you just changed your structure of the brain.

Is winning over your high school buddy, who you will probably never talk to again (it's true after graduation), really worth it to change your brain forever? Thank about it. Seriously, what is more important: living in the moment or having eternal consequences? I hope you think about your eternal consequences from your behavior when you are making essential decisions.

I am not going to bore you with all the scientific details about how cocaine alters your brain, but it is true. At the pornography conference, I learned about how your brain alters just from viewing pornography once. ONCE. ONCE. ONCE. I can't tell you enough the importance of avoiding addiction.

Stay away from addiction and drugs. Don't even get close. I remember there was a talk by John Bytheway. He was talking about how people ask "How close can I get to the line without crossing it?". Why are thinking about that question. You should be asking yourself: "What can I do to avoid addiction?".

Addiction and drugs are not cool. Actually, they are quite the opposite. They will trap you forever and make you feel miserable. You may think that they bring temporary freedom and stress relief, but it is temporary. Long lasting freedom comes from avoiding addiction.

Don't learn to live this from experience, take my advice and steer clear from addiction and drugs. It will bring your life much more peace, happiness and joy as you are free from addiction.

As you can tell, I am passionate about this subject. I just have seen too many husbands trapped in pornography and I have seen them cry. Have you ever seen a grown man cry? It is rare (at least in my eyes), but it is horrible. I feel so bad, but you can learn from those who are currently struggling from addiction. The message is get out now. Don't let addiction change your brain structure and life forever.


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