
Showing posts from 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

 Ugly Sweater Party, the sweater says "This Grandma is Fantastic". Best sweater ever. I won the contest with this lovely piece of clothing. One day when I am a grandma, I wear rock this.  BYU Football. It was a cold game! This is one of my hometown friends and we always planned on going to BYU football games together. It happened.  My childhood friend and I at General Conference. She will be a amazing missionary!  Okay, this one I am very proud of. I stayed here for Thanksgiving and went to my Aunts. I made my first pie with elephants on top for decorations. I was very proud of this decoration and this berry pie was berry good. So I heard, I didn't have a slice of my pie. But, here is a picture of my pie and I. Tender.  Love Temple Square during Christmas time, it is beautiful! We love BYU football! Happy ugly sweater season!

Late nights

I have no idea why, but when break starts I just stay up way too late. Like right now, I am writing a blog post when I should be in bed. I stayed up until four in the morning one morning because I can. What am I doing? Nothing. But on the side note, I am waiting for my brother to edit my letter of intent and then I submit my application. I was so tempted to just submit my application tonight. I was talking to my teacher I ta for today on the phone and she was asking me about graduate school applications. She said she wrote me a strong letter of recommendation. I want to get in. So bad. Yet, I don't want to get in. But, I am so excited that fall semester is done and my application will soon be admitted. I am glad that I started my application early. Advice for all you individuals applying for graduate schools...start your application easy. It will make your life so much easier. So, that's all. Also, I have a question. There is a boy in my ward who I find very annoying. Norma...


I hate filling them out. I already feel done with job applications. I hate telling other people that I am amazing and that they want me. I want  graduate schools or jobs to want me. Unfortunately, it dosen't work that way. I need to make them want me. Maybe, I get this feeling because I am watching Postgrad which is making me nervous. I don't want to end up like her just confused about life. I feel like It is very possible that I could. It is a emotional rollercoaster knowing that I am graduating. I do love change and find it very exciting. I find it half exciting and half scary. On my facebook, all my friends are getting engaged, going on mission or graduated. I know that I can't be in my undergraduate school my whole life. It would make my life so much easier though. I was talking with my brother about the nerves of graduating. He told me to let go of my expectations. That is nearly impossible. I live on expectations. He told me to let go of expectations and let whate...

Let it Snow

Tonight, I went to Salt Lake to look at the Temple Square lights with one of my good friends. First of all, we got hot chocolate at this amazing bakery. This hot chocolate was better than Starbucks hot chocolate which is saying a lot. I do love that hot chocolate. We walked over to Temple Square when everyone was leaving from the musical program which meant that it wasn't as crowded. It started snowing. It was magical. The only part that wasn't magical is the fact that my feet were soaking wet after but it was magical to watch snow fall and be on temple square. People from Utah probably don't find it magical, but someone from California finds snow on holy temple grounds amazing. I saw a couple of people that I knew there. I saw someone from my home ward visiting Utah for the weekend, and some friends from my ward, and then a guy who dated my roommate. My favorite view of the night was the reflection pool in front of the temple, where they had candles light with Joseph and M...

Funny things I've learned/adapted in college

First of all, I know this is the second post of the day. It is a blessing in your life as you get double dose of my simple happy beautiful life, which is never a bad thing. I was thinking about the funny thing that I have learned in college, and there were quite a few. So, I am going to start list right now. 1. How to drink milk from the carton. Never did that before college, I just learned the convenience of drinking from the carton. 2. How to awkwardly dance at a dance party and avoid that creeper who is looking up and down every girl in the room. 3. How to awkwardly talk to the opposite gender on a first date. Like asking questions, "If you had to marry a animal, which one would you marry?" and "Which disney princess are most attracted to?" 4. How to enjoy leftovers. I never enjoyed leftovers until college. 5. How to facebook stalk in a thorough manner. All you need to know is a first name, and you end up with their birthday, music tastes, relationship stat...

Avoiding laziness

I am still not motivated which is why I am writing this blog post. This is a post about good intentions. I have good intentions in my actions. I want to study to learn. I want to serve because I love people. I want to work so I can gain skills. I want to go to church to worship God. All these good intentions are great, but the problem is that I become lazy. I have noticed this multiple times in my life. I am so good at doing things and I feel like I am progressing in life...and then I'm lazy. I go back to where I was. So, here is my question for you. How you avoid the "lazy stage" and continue progressing? For example this week, I had a good intention of studying and working and being productive. What did I do? I studied half heartily, watched television to relax, ate pizza, went to a birthday party, daydreamed, talked to my roommates. The opposite of my good intentions. How do you transform your good intentions to actions? If anyone has good advice, it would  be...


Well, these last couple of days I have learned some amazing things. The first not amazing thing I have learned is that reading days aren't for reading. I don't feel like people read. They end up playing or wasting away their day relaxing. I ended up working, playing and wasting my day watching youtube pranks. Yeah I I said I have no motivation. But we had our ward party which was really fun. I learned a lot of important things there. The first thing I noticed was that the ward has become very cliquey. I don't like the cliqueness of the ward at all. I was frustrated at the ward party but then I realized that I can't stop other people from being selective but I can be friendly to everyone to encourage friendships with everyone. I don't know if that will work, but it is better than being frustrated and bitter to a cliquey ward. I just realized that I can't control others behaviors and thoughts but I can control mine. Also, we had a ward auction for a ...

No motivation.

This is a problem. I can't get anything done. I have been starting at my social work book for 20 minutes thinking about how I should open up the book. It would be a good idea to study but you see, I have a somewhat easy final schedule. I only have two. This is the least amount of finals I have ever had in college. I have done most of the work already but these two finals are very important in raising my grade. But I have a long time to study for them. So, basically I have no motivation. I was just thinking back on my finals in my freshman year. I had a big breakdown and it was not a enjoyable experience. I am glad that I have learned some great coping and study skills that makes finals less stressful. Because lets face it, your life depends on your grades somewhat. My acceptance to grad school is somewhat determined by my gpa. But besides the pressure, you can only do your best. So, I guess do your best and don't fret. Instead, I am writing a blog post and listening to glee...

Auntie Kristen

I am a aunt finally! I am excited to meet these two little nephews and hug and kiss them. They are going to spoiled with love. They are baby A and baby B right now. I personally think we should call them Monkey 1 and Monkey 2. If they are brother's children, then they will be true monkeys. Good and rebellious monkeys. The kind of monkeys who just do crazy things. I really am excited to meet these monkeys. Words don't describe my excitement at all. I have been waiting for so long to be a aunt. And in the pictures, the babies looked adorable. Like I want to pinch their cheeks adorable. Now, we have two Aunt Kristen Jensen's in the Jensen family. The only solution is to give the other Kristen a nckname because I was in the Jensen family first...(just kidding) or for my last name to change. And we know what that means. I don't think forcing the second option to happen will work so we will just have to deal with two Aunt Kristen Jensen's in the family for now. P.S. O...

Day 2 of the Flu: Gone with the Wind

Well, I am no longer throwing up. I went to class and didn't learn anything because I couldn't concentrate. But, I went to class! I came home and watched Pride and Prejudice the long version, went to FHE for 10 minutes and watched Gone with the Wind. Gone with the Wind made me so frustrated! I don't remember being frustrated with it the first time when I was watching it. The thing that made me made is the fact that they could be happy. They loved each other even though she was blind about her love for Rhett. The problem was that she was in love with the idea of Ashley. It's stupid how we fall in love with a idea of a person when the person you love is right in front of you. It happens all the time unfortunately. She realized that she was in love with her husband when it was too late. Rhett was wanting to give up after too many failed attempts in their marriage. So sad. But, I never realized how hopeful the ending is. I can't remember the direct quote, but she said...

The gift that keeps giving.

I am not talking about fruitcake. I am not talking about the ugly sweater that your grandma gave you. I am talking about that lovely flu bug. My aunt and uncle gave me the lovely flu bug. I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself near that toilet. It was a unpleasant day except the fact that I watched Emma and White Christmas. Here are the benefits of being sick: 1. You have a excuse to be lazy and lay in bed all day. 2. You appreciate being healthy much more. 3. You can watch your favorite movies all day long and not feel guilty. 4. You can wear pajama's all day. 5. No one will judge you if you aren't wearing make-up. 6. You can watch Jane Austen. This is the winner of the list. You can watch Jane Austen any day, but when your sick, it is just more enjoyable. For example, I forgot how funny Emma is. I love Mr. Knightly. In some ways, I can relate to Emma. She is one of the funniest characters in all of Jane Austen's books. She is confident yet insecur...

My funny cousins.

I spent thanksgiving with my cute cousins. These are my favorite phrases over the time spent with them. Henry (in the bathroom referring to the matches): I want to make fire. Henry (singing this beautiful song while holding his candy corn): Candy corn, candy corn, candy corn, candy corn in my my my shoe. Sophie: I called him a pansy and now he is mad at me. Henry (while wearing no underwear and pants): FREE RIDER! There were lots more, I will post more up if I find any. I did my make up this morning while listening to my Henry's candy corn song. He is 3 years old and just does whatever he wants to. For thanksgiving, he only ate candy corn.  I love kids. They really do say the funniest things. If you want to laugh, then watch Kids say the funniest things with Bill Crosby. Seriously, you will laugh your head off. Children are the best comedy.

I don't feel comfortable

I discovered something this weekend. I have found my element. I learn and grow the most when I go to situations where I feel uncomfortable. I went to a birthday party for someone in my hometown. He is deaf and most of the people at the party came from the deaf ward in Provo. I walked in and it was like a foreign country. Everyone was signing towards each other and I had no idea what they were saying. There were 5 people there who could speak and the rest of the party was deaf. I met some awesome people there and learned how to sign! I am not a awesome signer. I just learned some conversational signing words. Also, they taught me how to flirt in sign language. It is one important skill to have! I even made a connection with a friend who served a mission with someone there. The amazing thing I learned is that I could communicate with them even though we didn't understand each other fully. There are so many ways to communicate other than words. I watched the individuals at the party...

The election!

This is the first election that I have sincerely cared about. Normally, I would think that the president's actions affect me as much. I have realized that the president affects me directly. It is important to vote and understand the beliefs of politicians. This election I became emotionally involved. For me, this was a big step in my political involvement. I was tired of facebook statuses about how the world was ending because Obama is re-elected. So, I really like the church's stance on the election. It's time to unite and become one. Obama talked about his goal of uniting the country. Even if you don't like Obama, try to talking about the country and bringing it down. What use does bringing down the president do? Nothing. You don't need to compliment him, but try to support him in whatever way you can. So read the quote below and think about it. It is great! "After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition...

Life is great.

Sometimes, I get frustrated because I don't know the answers to my questions. I need to take a step back and realize that it is okay. I don't need all the answers right now. I just need the faith that I will get the answers when I need them. Do you know why life is great? I can breathe. I am physically healthy. I have a healthy happy family. The simple things make life great. The fact that I wake up and I have the opportunity to learn about religion and academic subjects. I can choose who I want to love. I can choose what occupation I want to follow. I have freedom to write and express my emotions. I live in a country that values freedom. Yes, life is great. It's not because I am rich. It's not because I have really good grades. It's not because I am the most popular person at BYU. It is not because boys call me every weekend. It is because God is aware of my needs and I know that everything will work out. It is my simple testimony that makes life great....


I find it funny how your definition of home changes as you grow older. Where do you view your hometown? What do you call home? Home can be a person, object or place. I view home as a safety area where I can be myself. I view home as a place where I lived, loved, laughed, struggled and grew. I view home as a changing location. When I was younger, Elk Grove was my home. It was all that I knew. I had my friends there. I went to school there. I developed my sense of identity there. Then, every location I have lived in has changed my identity. This is a very postmodern view on identity ( I am in class called LDS Perspectives and psychology. We write papers based on philisophy theories. Recently, we are learning about identity). My home includes a mixture of Elk Grove, Rexburg and Provo. It is amazing to see how each location played a part in my identity. Where do you consider your home? Home can be a person as well. .There is a song about this, the lyrics go like this "it feels lik...

Balancing Time

I think the hardest challenge in life is to balance time. I recently just not bombed a exam, but didn't do well. This sentence doesn't even make sense! Like I have said, I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to grades. I got a C on my exam. This week, I have had little sleep, full hours of work, social life, and not as much study time. I taught 2 review sessions, proctored exam and graded some essays. Every week is a different balance. The only solution I can think of is to just add more hours in the day. Is this solution possible? It should be. It would solve all of my problems right now. And this weekend won't be productive at all because I am going to the Burg! Yes, I am excited to be with some of my besties. But that means studying and work are going lower on my priority list. This is my justification. When I graduate from college (which is soon), I won't be thinking to myself..."wow, I had such a high grade on my exam". I will think "t...

I just wannna know you better...

Do I really? Okay, recently I have developed this really negative attitude about dating. I have become apathetic. I just get so used to my routine of doing what I do and I don't want to break it. I do have a social life. I do talk to guys. I am not a bitter person to love. If other people are in love, then I am happy for them. I don't get jealous of others. I don't know what my state of dating is. I don't think that apathetic is the correct word. You know how you have this guy that you like or have a crush on in your head when you are not dating someone? I don't have anyone or anything. The good thing is that I am open. I hold high expectations and am willing to date. I am not opposed to dating. I would welcome if there was a date. But so far, I haven't met anyone that I like or want to date. Is it wrong to not like anyone? I feel like people are shocked to hear that I don't like anyone. I just haven't met anyone that I like. Are my expectations too ...

Rise up ye men.

Men are great. There are problems with men now though. Men don't take responsibility as much. Some men are awesome and take responsibility for issues but this post isn't for you men though. I agree with what the church leaders are saying about taking responsibility and rising up to your title. Just because tv shows men as lazy and ignorant, dosen't mean that you have a right to act that way. Most tv shows men on the couch drunk  ignoring the needs of their children and their wifes. They usually watch sports and complain all day. Is that what you want to be one day? In my job, I see a lot of families with issues. Both males and females are to blame for problems within families, but too many males aren't rising up. They ignore their family needs and are addicted to pornography, drugs or the internet. They play the blaming game saying that their wife didn't fulfill their needs so it lead them into pornography. I understand that the wife's behavior inf...

New plan

I want to travel! I figured that I am young and this is the prime time of my life to go travel the world after I graduate. This isn't my final plan, but I am highly considering it. I am looking for a a paid teaching english program or volunteer program. I want to find a program, that you earn money but I know it is hard. I want to go to South America, Africa or Europe. I am willing to go Japan or China but it has never appealed to me. I am hoping that this experience will help me broaden my perspective, make me uncomfortable, make me grow, find ways to serve people, and help me become more competitive for grad school. Yes, I did say make me uncomfortable. I have found that the best experiences are the ones that make me feel uncomfortable. I find that I grow less when I am in my comfort zone. I am afraid that Provo will become my comfort zone so maybe I need to travel somewhere to get out of my comfort zone. The purpose of this blog was to ask if anyone knows great travel...


I like to go volunteer at this family clinic in Provo. Well it is a requirement, but I do like to go. I play with kids in the waiting room and keep them busy to make the waiting room experience a little more enjoyable. Sometimes, I come home and question if my time spent is worth it. Today was not one of those days. There was this mother with four young boys on the phone. I was trying not to judge the mom, but the kids were running around all over the place. I started playing lego's with the children and they talked to me about their airplane lego toy they made. I then played "Don't break the ice" for a hour and a half with these kids. We would play for 2 minutes and then set it up and repeat the whole thing again. I don't feel like I was a therapist today, but I saw the mom's anxiety decrease as she was able to relax a little more. It was fun playing with the kids. I learned all about kindergarten, how big crayons are really weird, how fun it is hit thing...

Best birth control ever

Being in a room full of children peeing on couchs, peeing on grass, changing diapers, screaming, crying and hitting each other. No desire for children right now.

The hard shells break down into soft ones

I walked to work dreading watching this really boring couple. For my work, I changed watching a different type of therapeutic technique that increases attachment. The couple really struggled opening up, well I guess the husband did. He definitely looks tough just in how he interacts with others and his physical appearance. The therapist had to keep asking him to respond to his wife with more than one word. It was really annoying watching the wife want to work on her marriage and the husband not seeming to care at all.  But, I learned something tonight. There is no room to judge because you never know what is happening inside of the person. This husband had some insecurities that he was too afraid to reveal. He lived his life in a rock hard shell that was un-crackable. The therapist was becoming annoyed as the wife kept begging for her husband to give her more information. It seemed like the couple was not making any progression after a lot of hard emotional w...

Love comes when it's least expected.

That is what I have discovered in my life. I feel like when we seek love, it will come but it will be difficult. Love will come in unexpected way and time. I talked to two friends today and they were both not looking to date at all this semester. They fell for a guy. They both told me the same thing, " I am surprised because I didn't plan for it to happen". I have talked to numerous engaged and married couples who have said the same thing. So, you want love? Don't expect it. Well, maybe it dosen't work that easily. I was thinking about this concept that people call love today. I have been in love before. I look forward to being in love once again. I am tired of always thinking about me, myself and I. I want to share my love with another person. The thing is love will come in a unexpected way and I am ready to embrace that. I am extremely busy these days so I am not looking for a handsome fella' to come my way soon. I don't expect for my eternal honey bun...

My sometimes not so happy beautiful life.

I had a good experience last night talking with a friend from high school. I had some struggles in high school. I never had serious struggles, but I definitely didn't have a perfect high school experience. By the time, I was a senior, I was ready to check out and move on with life. I was tired of drama and my classmates. I dealt with girl drama, sexual harrasement, a break-up, rejection from the college of my choice, difficult classes, personal insecurties, lonliness and self-image problems. I had a lot of good memories and true friends in high school as well, I just learned a lot last night. I learned that some people were talking behind my back and not saying very kind things about me. Why? I don't know. I never did anything to personally offend them. But, I think I realized that talk that you can't make everyone love you. I don't think those people meant to give me a hard time, if so then it's okay. We were in high school. High school is such a difficult time b...


I am currently in Zumba and I LOVE it. If anyone is looking for a fun and dynamic workout, do Zumba. The music is really positive and it keeps you going. We do different sets of songs each day and we work on different parts of our body. Today we did a swing workout, samba, merengue and salsa. Our teacher said we are going to do belly dancing next week. Yes, I am very excited to do belly dancing in zumba. And you should be excited to do it as well. So, if you have zumba around you, sign up. Even if you have to pay money to join the class, it will be worth the money. Plus, if you look like my zumba instructor, you will be fit. Fit and pregnant at age 45. Well, maybe not the pregnant part, but you will be fit. So, sign up today! I should get paid by zumba for advertising for them on this blog. Seriously, do it.


Guess what?  I did something great and productive tonight.  I started my social work graduate application.  I made a decision.  WOO HOO.  You know, it feels good to make a decision. Here it goes: I am not retaking the GRE. I don't have the time and the effort to put into studying for it. I could but I want to focus on other things right now. Today, while I was working my co-worker asked me about letters of recommendation. I sent out emails today and started asking for professors to write them. I made my resume short and concise. I read the requirements for the letter of statement for social work. I put all my educational experience and employment on the application. I checked to say that I would live the honor code. Yes, the social work application isn't due until January 15th,  but I feel like starting it early is a smart idea. I need to start collecting things so my application is perfect.  I want to take a year off but so...

Everything with pesto

One of my wonderful roommates from the spring would eat pesto and pasta daily. She had gone to Italy and so she loved pasta. She must of passed that down to me because I love pesto now. I bought my first little jar of pesto and have absolutely enjoyed eating that whole jar up. The thing is that it is delicious and you don't need to put that much on your pasta.  You know those experiences you have when you meet someone and then wonder how you survived without them your whole life. It's like your life was incomplete before you met them. Well, me either...but I feel like pesto has somewhat made my life complete. I love it. I put it on everything.  Somedays I am so excited to eat lunch because I know that I have pesto. I know that I can cook some yummy pasta with vegatables and top it off with my favorite pesto. My new favorite thing to do is have grilled cheese with pesto on it. I swear you can put everything with pesto.  This is why I am in love with pe...

I've been thinking a lot.

You know how people are so ready to graduate and be done with college? I am terrified. Well, maybe not to that extreme. I am not following my life plan. I could, but the likelihood of it happening is not high. To show you why I am freaking out, I am confused about what I should do. I am still confused of whether Social Work or Marriage and Family Therapy is best for me. I have talked to so many people about this subject matter and have become informed of each program. I am leaning towards Marriage and Family Therapy but Social Work is great as well. I think I fit with Marriage and Family Therapy more. I won't do a full on comparison on this blog, but I have done this before. I am just scared. These are my main questions. Do I want to take a break and apply for graduate school after my break? I am scared that I won't find a job. There are many benefits for this option. I could stay in Provo and still love the social life and volunteer at agency that will help me gain better un...

Goodnight my jacket

So, we had a regional conference today where we talked about an analogy about dating. Here it is:  “The situation of a Church member who is single can be illustrated by a simple analogy. Imagine that your favorite hobby is stargazing and you’ve just joined a stargazing club. You come to your first club activity eager to participate. It’s a cold night, but you’re not concerned: most of the club members are wearing club jackets, and you’ve been told you should be able to get one as well. But there is no jacket for you. You ask about it, and you are told to keep looking and that if you do your best, you will find a jacket when the time is right. “Meanwhile, you are getting pretty cold and a little worried. And you notice that most of the other club members are talking about how nice and warm their jackets are. In fact, throughout the evening the topic surfaces continually in various forms: how to wash and dry your jacket, how to add extra pockets, how to mend it, and so forth....

The hardest kiss I have ever worked for.

I was looking at pictures and videos from this summer and I just laughed. Well, I watched the BYU vs Utah game and I was just confused. I was shocked and amazed and mad and angry. It was just a mixture of various emotions into one, so I decided to look back on my summer pictures. Which leads me to this post, what is the hardest and best kiss that you have ever worked for? This question entitles how much patience, waiting, courting, money you had to put into getting a kiss or giving a kiss to someone. Everyone has good kiss stories. We don't need to share them publicly on blogs because some of them are more embarrasing, but every person's first kiss or kiss sometime in their life is great. Well to answer my own question, I will give you a picture first. Me and my best friend are trying to kiss my other best friend. I am straight, I just want to point it out in case people wondered. From my other posts, i talk about cuddling with my best friend, we are straight. Now that we g...

Gender issues

As a psychology major, you learn about gender issues and sexism. My psychology of gender teaches with a very feminist view. I love learning from her just because her view is different than mine. Recently, I have learned about men's studies. It is a recent discipline of study. The feminist and men's studies movement have altered psychology beliefs and marriage and family therapists training. As a marriage and family therapist, it is important to learn about these gender issues. I think even if you are not a marriage and family therapists, it is a interesting and valuable thing to learn about. Men's studies deal with gender roles. Recently, females have started developing careers in male-oriented jobs. It is becoming more acceptable. Although pay isn't equal yet, it is becoming more equal as women's studies have advocated for equality. Women's role have changed significantly. Women can become mother's or become a full time worker. They have more freedom in d...

Put yourself in the right place in the right time.

One thing that I have learned in college is the importance of putting yourself in the right place and right time. The first thing you need to do is find your priorities and goals. If your goal is to become the best seamstress, then put yourself in places with a sewing machine. How are you supposed to become one of the best if you don't have a sewing machine to practice on? If you want to date more, put yourself in places where people you want to date are. If you want to lose weight, put yourself in the produce section of the grocery store or in the gym. Tonight, I had a nice preview of what grad school would be like. I had my video training for watching enactment (couple-centered) videos. I was surrounded by the professor I want to work with in grad school, first year graduate students and my graduate research assistant. We are working on a therapy process research project where we code therapy sessions and analyze them. We talked in depth about therapy processes and attachment t...

One can change the world.

Do you doubt that one person can change the world? Do you doubt that one day can change the world? I see no reason to doubt this belief. When I think about September 11, 2001, I think of all the change that occured from one day. It was a day full of devastating events for friends and family members that were killed or injured. I remember waking up and my mom telling me something horrible happened. I truly didn't understand why it was important. I was in 5th grade, so I didn't understand the significance. I think I finally started to understand in high school when I met my friend Shabnam. She told me about her life and she seemed so similar to me. She was muslim and she had similar religious standards to me. I could only see how she was similar to me. I didn't understand how people would treat her differently.  They treated her like she was the enemy sometimes. I remember airport security becoming more strict. People started complaining because they had to minimize their...

My Cuddling Weekend

Yes, I cuddled lots this weekend. Although you may think that it was with a boy, I will tell you that it was with my best friend who is not a boy. We had a fun filled weekend of laughter, bonding, swimming, not sleeping, and talking. Let me start with the beginning, I went with some friends and we went to my best friends house in Rexburg, ID. When me and my friends ( I don't care about the grammar) get together we are loud. We are loud and we know it. We ended up talking late that night. The next day we went to the lava hot springs. I have never been there, but It was a blast. The sign said 50% chance of rain and that there were was no refund. It did end up raining, but we waited until the rain ended. It is funny how small things can make you so happy. They had these high platforms, slides and rock climbing wall. They had lots of "fancy" toys, but our favorite toy was this floating turtle. We played lots of games on this turtle including: how many people can we fit on the...

Its all about me.

I am currently taking a class called LDS Perspectives and Psychology. I have a good feeling about this class. Number one, we don't have final exams. We only have papers. Number two, I love his teaching style. I just love how his main objective is to make us think instead of think only with the textbook's point of view. I think the hardest thing about teaching is encouraging students to think but giving students textbooks to think. Think outside the textbook! This teacher makes you do that. We had a good discussion about altruism in the classroom. I have always heard about altruism and thought about being 100% altruistic. Is it possible to do everything for everyone else? A lot of theorist say that you do things for yourself but have altruistic moments. Is that true? I kinda believe that. Only Christ has had the power to do everything for everyone else on this earth. Ultimately, we will become like Christ and become completely altruistic. On this earth, I don't think it is...


I am ready for school to start. I know that I will be super busy but I want to be productive with my days. I want to feel accomplishment in my life. I am tired of hanging out with people all the time. It has been a fun summer but I have the hanging out out of my system. I am ready for the textbooks. It sounds super strange. I hate exams but I love learning. I want to learn. I want to watch football games. I want to not meet guys in my classes because they are full of females. This is the one thing I would change if I could. I have realized that religion classes are great because you can meet guys in them. Maybe more guys should take Zumba and Intro to Social Work? Yes? No?  Well, I am excited for sunday. I get see new people in the ward! I love my ward. It has been my favorite ward I have been in my whole undergraduate experience. It is such a friendly and wonderful ward. I am excited to see all my friends I already have in the ward. I am just overall excited and ready. This is ...

I was asked if I was a freshman.

I went to Macey's (grocery store) with my brother and his friend asked me If was starting as a freshman this year. I responded to her saying "I am actually a Senior!". It wasn't a big deal. Its crazy that this is my last year of my undergraduate. In a way being in college is safe because your responsabilities are cut. You read, study, write, present, and take exams. This is your life. You get so used to your usual schedule that graduating will present so many options that I am unsure of it. Some days I am so excited to be a senior, and some days I am frustrated. This is a post about being a freshman in college though. What I wish I'd known as a Freshman in College: 1. Make a focus of being friendly and outgoing. Make lots of new friends and be crazy. This summer I had a few looks from people when I was doing strange things. As a freshman, it is expected that you will be crazy. 2. Live it up! On the weekends, stay up late because it is fun and go to dance parti...

I'm in love with a Gavin Degraw

I know that this is the second post of the day, but just deal with it. I saw Gavin Degraw and Colbie Cailat tonight in Stockton. I learned several things tonight. I learned that Stockton is not a safe place to live in after the cut of police. I learned that I love Gavin Degraw. He is sexy. I will just come out and say that. He just moves naturally and has this cool groove. He moved around the stage and knows how to entertain a audience. He was amazing. He can sing like no other. He rocks out on the piano and loves it. You can just watch him and know that he loves his job. He is passionate about singing. And Colbe Cailat was amazing as well. She seems like a really pure person. Her family was at the concert and was cheering for her the whole time. She was graceful and she said thank you to the people who bring her instrutments. I know that this act is very simple, but most musicians I have seen don't even do that. They don't say thank you, they just expect them to bring them ...

The Human Experience

I watched this documentary this morning and It was amazing. It was about these individuals who wanted to go on a journey and find answers to their questions about life. We all have our own journeys that we must go on to find answers to questions we have. They lived homeless in New York City for five days, they they traveled with a group called Surf for a Cause. They would travel around South America and surf and help with children organizations. They helped with one specific organization in Peru in a orphanage. The next adventure was in Ghana volunteering in a leper colony. If you want to watch it, then look up The Human Experience. It was made in 2008. I gained a lot of insights and reminders from this documentary. Here they are! We have a need for love. The individuals talked about their families and how they didn't feel love in their families. I learned that really love in a close family is a strong need for a child and adult.If there is no love in the family, there must be l...